Agenda 2030

Agenda 2030 is an expansion of Agenda 21 (meaning 21st century). Eliminating private property, single family homes, suburban living, private vehicles and the ability to freely move around, controlling the economy, food production, education (Common Core), etc.  This will destroy he middle class.  Remember, Marxism and Communism (statists or collectivists) always need to destroy the middle class in order for the social engineers to build a utopia.  It is easier for the ruling elite to control the masses when they are dependent, uneducated and poor.

These agendas are all presented with the spin that it is for a better humanity and the environment. You will see the buzzword “sustainability” used often when reading about Agenda 21 & 2030.  It is also why you see them pushing so hard for carbon taxes, regulating CO2 emissions, etc.  All in the name of preventing or reducing climate change (previously called man made global warming).

These UN agendas will result in a global corporate government run by un-elected technocrats and bureaucrats, tyranny at its worst.  The New World Order (the would be rulers of our planet) was behind all communist revolutions, and they are behind all these UN agendas.

Think Hunger Games and Demolition Man movies.

The following articles are helpful to understand Agenda 21 & 2030.  The first one has a very informative video.  The last article is not Agenda 2030, but something worse.  It is based upon the America 2050 plan.